Gen-Z View
Serving high school/college writers and artists whose work reflects cultural competence,
proactive thinking, and advocacy
The Magnolia Literacy Project (MLP) started Gen-Z View to reinforce the importance of voice within Mississippi's Generation-Z community, typically identified as individuals born between 1997 and 2015. They are known for being unapologetically true to their values. The most socially and politically astute Gen-Z'ers stand on the belief that all facets of life should rest on a foundation of equity and inclusion. Whether the setting is a school, the workplace, government, or other space where authority is exerted, if a Gen-z'er is present, chances are so is the expectation for a culture rooted in dignity. After all, Gen-Z encompasses diverse communities of progressive thinkers born into a growing landscape of appreciation for differences among human beings -- be it ethnicity, race, gender, ability, sexual orientation, religion, and other known targets of historical and systemic maltreatment. Gen-Z View stands to cultivate young talent and promote leadership through literacy in Mississippi high schools, colleges, and communities.
January 18, 2023: The MLP held its inaugural Gen-Z View Reading Club event at Jim Hill High School. It was the first in a bi-weekly series, in which students will read and discuss the book, Perfect Black, by Kentucky’s Poet Laureate, Crystal Wilkinson. The youth will explore themes of southern culture and family, as well as Wilkinson’s deep love for her rural roots; passion for language; and gift of storytelling. Eighteen students attended. Ms. Jaspreet K. Gill coordinated, and LaWanda Dickens served as workshop facilitator.
The MLP extends a special "thank you" to the Mississippi Humanities Council for sponsoring this program.