Magnolia Literacy Project Spotlight: Lana Brown Series
A mother's influence never dies, as Natchez, MS poet, Lana Brown, illustrates in "A Tribute to Momma's Legacy". Even after a mother departs from life on earth, she blesses her children through an ancestral village of motherhood.

Brown is a graduate of Alcorn State University, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts in English Communications; a Master of Arts in Secondary English Education; and a Master of Arts in Early Childhood Education with a Concentration in Reading and Gifted Education. She also holds a Specialist in Education degree in Psychometry from Jackson State University. An instructor in gifted education with the Natchez Adams School District, Brown was selected by the Mississippi Department of Education to be a member of the ELA/Literacy High Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM) Review Team in the fall of 2020.
"A Tribute to Momma's Legacy"
Perched on a branch
although flight is your potential
doubting success
afraid of even the wind,
the sun that shines
just because He rose
A state of utter self-disdain
Then one day,
Along drifts in a seed
planted right in the center of the soul,
a flicker that grows into a fiery tornado
the heart is aglow
For this seed is rooted to the tree
and many, many forests before
a natural phenomenon,
A mother
The caregiver of the child
even in death

The Magnolia Literacy Project’s
initiative to showcase the writing and art
of Mississippians.